Case Study #1: Mothers
Our album of songs based on people's contributions about their mothers was released in 2018. Thank you so much to all who shared their stories and thoughts. You can listen to the songs here, or purchase the limited edition yellow vinyl version of the album here.
Last Christmas With Dad
For Christmas 2022 we have recorded a song with David Schweitzer & vocalist Emily Denton, called Last Christmas with Dad. You can read more about the song here or listen to it on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, or YouTube.
Case Study #2: Love
We’d like to hear your stories about Love. Momentous or mundane, marvellous or miserable, minutiae or musings… We're interested in all your thoughts on the subject for our album. Work has begun on this project but it's not too late to contribute.
in analysis are a band who create songs based on stories or thoughts contributed anonymously by members of the public.
This is an age in which we are encouraged to be open; sharing our feelings is thought to be cathartic and beneficial, while bottling things up creates strain and anxiety. Yet there are always some things we don’t feel like sharing with our friends, family or social networks.
in analysis provides an opportunity for anyone to emotionally ‘offload’ in absolute secrecy. You could post your deepest fears or desires, or confess a minor misdemeanor; you could talk about the love of your life, or just post something that mildly irritates you about the world. in analysis write songs by using these contributions as raw material. When we write the lyrics for the songs, the actual words will almost always be changed, but we will always try to stay true to the details of your story and its emotional heart.
The posting process on this site ensures complete anonymity; the songwriters and performers will have no idea (nor any way of finding out) whose story they are telling. Your submission will not be published online, it will only be received by the songwriters and (hopefully) used as the basis for a song.
Any profits made from songs by in analysis will be divided between the mental health charity, Mind, and the Samaritans.
Sign up to the email list or follow us on facebook or twitter, to find out about new releases or gigs.
If you’d like to get in touch with us please email us at music@inanalysis.net. However, please don’t write your stories in via regular email or we won’t be able to use them!